Simaudio Moon 700i V2 Black - Amplificator integrat - Garantie 9 ani

Simaudio Moon 700i V2 Black - Amplificator integrat - Garantie 9 ani

Categorie: Amplificatoare
Brand: Simaudio
Stare: Produs utilizat
Tip amplificator: Stereo
Constructie: Amplificator integrat
Tehnologie: Solid state
Cumparat pe 23.01.2023 de la AvStore, garantie totala 120 luni (10 ani) direct la magazin, deci mai are 9 ani.

Produsul este impecabil atat tehnic cat si estetic si este pe culoarea negru complet.

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Las mai jos specificatii de pe site:

700i v2 Available Finishes Black 2-Tone Silver Integrated Amplifier The MOON 700i v2 is the ultimate integrated amplifier. Intended to meet the needs of the most demanding music connoisseurs, it is a fully differential dual-mono design offering authority, finesse and superb control. Using a variety of refined technologies developed for MOON reference products, the 700i v2 provides more sonic transparency and accuracy than previously thought possible. In addition, this integrated offers extreme flexiblity while exuding a luxurious presence in any environment.

Input Sensitivity 490 mV - 6.0 V RMS Our “Lynx” Technology eliminates the global feedback loop and results in the following: more accurate musical reproduction with respect to tonality; the elimination of common phase errors resulting from feedback. An oversized dual-mono power supply. “Class A” power output to 5 watts for greater efficiency. Gain offset adjustment of ±10dB for each input. Any input is configurable to become a “bypass input”, whereby the 700i v2’s volume control is bypassed, permitting a plethora of applications including usage in a home-theater environment. Gain 37dB Input impedance 23,7 kΩ Crosstalk @ 1 kHz-100 dB Output power at 8 Ω 175 W per channel THD (20 Hz - 20 kHz @ 1 W ) 0.015 % Output power at 4 Ω 350 W per channel THD (20 Hz - 20 kHz @ 175 W) 0.04 % Inputs ( RCA / XLR ) 4 pairs / 1 pair Intermodulation Distortion (IMD) 0.02 % Monitor Loop (RCA) 1 pair Shipping weight 62 lb / 28 kg Frequency response (full range) 10 Hz - 100 kHz +0 / -0.1 dB
Dimensions (width x height x depth) 18.75 x 5.5 x 18.1 in 47,6 x 14,0 x 46,0 cm

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